The Sri Yantra, called the “queen of yantras,” (rajayantra) is the symbol of the great Divine Mother Principle, the source of all energy, power and creativity. In Vedic traditions, it is known to represent the universe as well as the body of the the Goddess related to the feminine principle of shakti, or energy. Every line, triangle and lotus petal symbolizes a specific type of shakti.
The outer square represents the Earth element; in Vedic sacred geometry, the square corresponds to Earth. The outside square represents the mundane emotions such as anger, fear and worldly desires. Meditating on the outer square helps defeat these disturbing energies. The T-shape structures in the square are considered the gates of the four directions, they are the doorways to the yantra.
Next are three circles representing past, present and future. Within the first ring are sixteen lotus petals representing complete fulfillment of all hopes and desires. Specifically, these petals represent the ten organs of perception and action; tongue, nose, mouth, skin, eyes, ears, feet, hands, the arms and the reproductive organs, the five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether and the sixteenth petal represents the mind, which gathers and interprets the information perceived by the interaction of the elements.
Next is an eight petal lotus. Each petal governs a specific activity: speech, grasping, motion, excretion, enjoyment, revulsion, attraction, and equanimity. Within the inner lotus is the first set of interlocked triangles. Those that point upward represent the masculine principle; downward represent the feminine. These triangles also represent qualities and shaktis.
Starting at the lowermost outer triangle and moving in a counterclockwise circle, they are: agitation, pursuit, attraction, delight, delusion, immobility, release, control, pleasure, intoxication, accomplishment of desire, luxury, mantra and the destruction of duality.
The next circle has the same sequence and direction, starting from the lowest triangle and moving counterclockwise. The first triangle is the giver of all accomplishment. Next is the giver of wealth. The third is the energy of activities that please all. Fourth is the bringer of all blessings. The fifth is the granter of all desires. Next is the remover of all suffering. The seventh is considered the appeaser of death. Eighth is the over comer of all obstacles. Ninth is the bringer of beauty, and the tenth is the giver of all good fortune.
The ten smaller triangles in the third circle represent, beginning at the same lowermost triangle and moving counterclockwise: omniscience, omnipotence, sovereignty, knowledge, destruction of all disease, unconditional support, vanquishing of all evils, protection and the attainment of all desires. The fourth circle of triangles, again starting at the same point and moving counterclockwise, represent: sustaining, creating, dissolution, pleasure, pain, cold, heat and the ability to choose action.
In the final inner space, the aspirant visualizes five arrows representing the world of the senses, a bow, represents the mind, a noose, represents attachment, and a stick, represents aversion. The central triangle is the giver of all perfection. In the middle of the central triangle is a bindu, representing pure consciousness and the original state of being.
The word yantra means instrument and this is exactly what this is: It is a powerful tool for intense meditation, prayer or concentration. As a Unity Consciousness we can collectively ignite the Christ Sophia spark in Humanity by focusing our attention upon this symbol daily to mindfully embrace the true essence of Creation, embrace our Divinity and restore our true purpose on our Sacred Mother Gaia. It is time for a great healing to occur in this Great Awakening.
REALITY is a HOLOGRAPHIC REFLECTION of our COLLECTIVE THOUGHT. THOUGHT is the CREATOR and WE are the THINKERS. With this truth held in our hearts, together we can optimize our heart energies with a unified desire to end all suffering by ushering in worldwide peace, perfect health, abundant blessings, joy, awakening for all, through a full disclosure of the truths that have been kept from us. This is the end of all tyranny and the beginning of a Golden Age. This is what Christ came to remind humanity of. This is our wake up call. With eyes wide open, hearts linked as one, we proceed without fear and proclaim this time on Earth as our victory. May God bless us All.
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